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Africa New Life Ministries exists to communicate the message of Jesus Christ in word and deed, to Africa and all the nations. This ministry will help all peoples to know about the relationship with God available to them through belief in Jesus as Savior. This will be accomplished by providing access to education, leadership training, and healthcare; through church planting and Christian discipleship; and through holistic care for vulnerable children, and women and men in need.
FFLV USA is a US charity dedicated to raising awareness, funds and coordinating support for Food For Life Vrindavan (FFLV). FFLV is dedicated to serving the poorest of the poor residents of Vrindavan and the Raj region of Uttar Pradesh, India. - particularly girls and women - by providing comprehensive, essential human services which empower them to pursue fulfilling lives and become exemplary members of society and by protecting the natural environment in which they live.
The Kakenya Center for Excellence seeks to empower and motivate young girls through education to become agents of change and to break the cycle of destructive cultural practices in Maasai Kenya such as female genital cutting and early forced marriage. We believe in impacting one girl at a time, one community at a time, until all girls in Africa have the opportunities they need to thrive as individuals. These future women leaders will improve their communities, their nation, and the world.
Bellarmine College Preparatory is a community of men and women gathered together by God for the purpose of educating the student to seek justice and truth throughout his life. We are a Catholic school in the tradition of St. Ignatius of Loyola, the Founder of the Society of Jesus. As such, our entire school program is dedicated to forming "men for others" -- persons whose lives will be dedicated to bringing all their God-given talents to fullness and to living according to the pattern of service inaugurated by Jesus Christ.
We are a faith based non-profit 501-(c)3 ministry of FARRR Foundation, and a Trauma Informed Care organization serving communities since 2008. Our mission is to show the Love of Christ to others by serving in practical ways, and provide a dignified environment for spiritual growth. We aim to educate our communities about the impact of trauma on clients, coworkers, friends, family, and even ourselves. Understanding the impact of trauma is an important first step in becoming a compassionate and supportive community. We currently provide a range of wrap around supportive services; such as: * Open daily as a Day Shelter w/ a Clothing Closet * Coffee Bar with light snacks and water * Daily Devotions & Christian Nurture * Hot Buffet Lunch * Bi-weekly Food Pantry and haircuts are provided for free from a professional cosmetologist. * Bikes for Individuals w/ Transportation Needs * Prison Ministry * Facilitating Resources for Ex-Offenders * Workforce Development ALSO.... * FREEDOM CELEBRATION: The 2nd Tuesday at 7:00pm, dinner is provided for individuals and/or family members that have been affected by incarceration. * LIGHT CHANGE TOKENS: A cooperative effort of Warm Streets and Church of the Good Shepherd designed to meet some of the basic needs of the most vulnerable among us (i.e. homeless and nearly homeless). Compassionate donors sponsor tokens that can be spent as spare change at local businesses and restaurants. * THE REDEMPTION GROUP: Every Wednesday at 6:30pm, faith-based support group for individuals with hurts, habits, hang-ups and addictions. *50 SHADES OF RED, EVERY WOMAN HAS A STORY: Women’s ministry that encourages, empowers, and embraces women in healing and restoration. * LIGHTHOUSE COMMUNITY FELLOWSHIP: Sundays from 10:00 am – 12:30pm, we gather like the early church for worship, fellowship, sharing testimonies along with learning from the Word of God. Lunch is served after fellowship. * LIGHTHOUSE KIDS: Cooperative Kids Ministry with other churches and non-profits that host planned events throughout the week for students, ages 5 – 15 encompassing a Christ-centered curriculum. * ABIGAIL HOUSE: Anti-Human Trafficking Ministry of The Lighthouse, Abigail House is the only transitional housing facility for women in rescue in the region. It serves women that have been victims of sex trafficking.
Sacred Heart Nativity School for boys and Our Lady of Grace Nativity School for girls are urban Catholic middle schools that seek to educate young men and women to enter college preparatory high school programs in partnership with the Society of Jesus, the Diocese of San Jose, and the Parish of Sacred Heart. The schools are dedicated to providing a Catholic education for students of low-income families, with priority given to families of Sacred Heart community. Our vision statement is: Breaking the Cycle of Poverty Through Education.
The Abraham Joshua Heschel School is an independent Jewish day school named in memory of one of the great Jewish leaders, teachers, and activists of the 20th century and dedicated to the values that characterized Rabbi Heschel’s life: intellectual exploration, integrity, love of the Jewish people and tradition, and a commitment to social justice. The Heschel School is a pluralistic, egalitarian community that includes families from a wide range of Jewish backgrounds, practices and beliefs. Boys and girls, men and women participate equally in all aspects of the school’s religious, intellectual, and communal life.
Since 1814, Emma Willard School has been one of the nation's leading college preparatory boarding and day schools for young women. At Emma Willard, every possible resource is dedicated to developing in students the values and skills that form the foundation of a life of accomplishment, leadership, and fulfillment. These include a love for the life of the mind, a commitment to service, courage and confidence, grace and creativity, and collaboration and friendship. Known for its rigor, the school promotes intellectual curiosity and disciplined study habits through a challenging curriculum distinguished by a wide array of advanced placement courses and electives.
Mission: In the tradition of the Sisters of Notre Dame, Notre Dame Cristo Rey High School provides a Catholic, affordable, culturally sensitive, college preparatory education enhanced by professional work experience for young men and women from families with limited income. / Vision: Notre Dame Cristo Rey High School will be known for graduating confident, academically successful students who are spiritually rooted, intellectually curious, active community and global citizens, and college-graduated leaders. / Values: Goodness of God, Education for Life, Integrity, Respect, Family, Community
The Georgia Robotics Alliance is a 501(c)3 organization that is devoted to the support of science, mathematics, engineering, and technology education efforts in the schools of the Georgia and the Southeast. The Alliance provides support for school participation in competitive programs such as the FIRST Robotics Competition (FRC and FTC), Lego League teams, VEX Robotics, the BEST robotics program and other programs designed to increase the awareness of and interest in the technical fields among today's young men and women. These programs are designed to introduce students to the engineering and technical careers open to them and to encourage their interest and enthusiasm for pursuing further education and possible careers in these areas.
Hathaway Brown School is dedicated to excellence in the education of girls. For us, educational excellence includes, but reaches well beyond, superb preparation for college. The true mission of the School, as reflected in our motto "Non scholae sed vitae discimus," is preparation for life. We strive to foster in the minds of our students an abiding passion for learning, and in their hearts a constant devotion to strong character and public service. At this moment in history there is a great need for women of vision and courage who are empowered for leadership in a multicultural and globalized society. We seek to answer that need by inspiring our students to achieve their utmost potential, and rise boldly to the challenges of their times.
Founded in 2008, Chelsea Academy seeks to form confident young men and women educated in the liberal arts tradition and the Catholic faith. The Academy is committed to promoting and cultivating in its students the life of the mind and the love of truth; an appreciation for the natural world and the heritage of human achievement; enduring friendships; a spirit of adventure; and the virtues of honesty, diligence, courage, piety, and personal responsibility. Through an ethos shaped by Catholic teaching and devotions and a balanced curriculum that includes the humanities, sciences, the arts, and athletics, Chelsea Academy provides students with opportunities for developing themselves into adults who are capable of making positive contributions to their families, places of work, and communities.