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Displaying 529–540 of 38,736

Circle Of Friends For The Dying

The mission of the Circle of Friends for the Dying is to bring compassionate, competent end-of-life care to the dying and their families. The mission is achieved by providing a circle of support for individuals (and their families) with a prognosis of three months or less. Circle of Friends for the Dying will oversee the establishment and maintenance of a home-like residence for the terminally ill, with an emphasis on comfort and quality-of-life. Our home becomes the primary residence for individuals who can no longer safely remain in their own home or who prefer an alternative to spending one's last days in a nursing home or hospital setting.

Nido De Esperanza Charitable Society

Our mission is to break the cycle of poverty by changing the first 1,000 days of a child's life. We work with our families living below the poverty line from pregnancy through the child’s third birthday. We believe in tackling poverty neighborhood by neighborhood and empowering the mamas. Community matters- particularly when you are a new immigrant mama. Knowledge matters- particularly when you didn’t have strong role models growing up.Books matter – particularly when you don’t have any in your home. Food matters – it is hard to learn and focus if you are hungry. We get it. We see it every day. We are changing it - day by day, child by child, neighborhood by neighborhood.

Providence Connections

Providence Connections, Inc., a ministry sponsored by the Sisters of Divine Providence, strengthens families and enriches lives through comprehensive education and developmental opportunities for parents and children.

Day One New York

Day One partners with youth to end dating abuse and domestic violence through preventive education, supportive services, legal advocacy and leadership development. Since 2003, Day One has educated more than 40,000 youth and adults about healthy relationships and preventing relationship abuse. Our direct services include individual and group counseling, legal assistance and advocacy projects for young people, 24 years of age and under.  

Waterbury Youth Service System, Inc.

Guiding youth to discover their unique talents and potential for success- one life at a time.

Preferred Behavioral Health of New Jersey Inc

To provide comprehensive mental health services to the residents of ocean county and monmouth county.


Angelwish was founded in 1999 to help busy people grant birthday, holiday and anyday wishes to children living with chronic illnesses, while engaging more and more people in the process.

National Coalition For Child Protection Reform

We work to curb the needless removal of children from everyone they know and love and the unnecessary placement of those children in foster care, often when family poverty is confused with "neglect." We do this not because such removal harms parents, but because of the enormous harm the misuse and overuse of foster care does to children.


We advance the success of all children by partnering with families, professionals and the community through exemplary services, training, research and advocacy. We accomplish our mission within a culture of innovation, collaboration and shared leadership.

Childrens Charity Fund Of The Bluegrass

The Mission of the Children’s Charity Fund of the Bluegrass, Inc. is to establish and maintain an ongoing concerted fund-raising effort to benefit local charitable organizations which have as their primary goal the betterment of children of the Commonwealth.

The Parent-Child Home Program

The Parent-Child Home Program’s (PCHP) nationwide network of program sites provides under-resourced families with the necessary tools to ensure their children achieve their greatest potential in school and in life. We assist underserved communities in replicating and expanding our proven school readiness program that supports early parent-child verbal interaction and learning at home.The proven Program effectively bridges the achievement gap through its unique focus on intensive home visiting (twice a week over a two year period) with two and three-year-olds and their parents. Highly trained community based early literacy specialists model reading, play, and conversation activities using books and educational toys that are gifts to the family.

The Safe Center LI

To protect, assist and empower victims of family violence and sexual assault while challenging and changing social systems that tolerate and perpetuate abuse.