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Join the Celebration on International Day of Women and Girls in Science

February 12, 2019

Disclaimer: This post is reflective of our company while under the name Pledgeling and the listed information may be outdated. Please refer to our main company website on Pledge for current information and resources.

Are you a woman? (I am!)

Do you know any women, or girls?

I'm sure you do.

Think mom, sister, daughter, auntie, friend - you know - all the fabulous females that make your personal world so wonderful.

Well, why not gather them together on February 11th, and add your collective energy to the celebration of International Day of Women & Girls in Science?

Since being proclaimed by the United Nations General Assembly on December 22, 2015, the International Day of Women & Girls in Science has been honored every year since on February 11th. This event is quickly gathering well-deserved momentum.


Because we all know that change is still needed to further promote women and girls into less traditional areas of education. We need to continue to broaden our scope beyond the old boundaries. Though we have come a long way, we still need to push farther to better balance the scales of women in the varied fields of science.

Did You Know?

According to UIS data, less than 30% of the world's STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) researchers are women. The studies also showed that women researchers are paid less for their research and typically don't progress as far in their careers.

International Day of Women & Girls in Science wants to change this paradigm.

The Goal

  • To recognize, support and encourage the critical role women and girls play in science and technology as stated in resolution70/1.
  • To break the serious gender equality gap, and change the perspective of how women are viewed in relationship to STEM disciplines, and the opportunities afforded them.

The theme this year is: "Investment in Women and Girls in Science for Inclusive Green Growth"

Basically, they want to invest in female talent looking to create green/eco-friendly endeavors in the STEM disciplines. According to the UN and World bank, investing in women is "smart economics", as they tend to reinvest their earnings in their families and communities, creating innovative businesses with a purpose

Take a moment to rethink the old standards of Easy Bake Ovens and Barbie dolls and consider how you can expand the horizon with the growing number of options that also inspire young girls in the area of STEM. Not to take anything away from the importance of motherhood, artistic creativity or the like, but rather to make sure we also encourage interest in less gender biased areas.

Consider coding classes, like those offered by Karli Kloss and Girls Who Code. Check out the array of toys from Goldiblox who have been "disrupting the pink aisle" for a number of years now. Encourage involvement with Girlstart. They have a multitude of offerings - programs, events, volunteering opportunities - in every STEM area imaginable. Or investigate the myriad of other STEM non-profit organizations supported at Pledgeling.

The sky is the limit! Let's not limit ourselves to old habits, beliefs and paradigms that no longer fully serve us, or our girls.

Remember - The only thing constant is change.

Let's CHANGE how we view what women and girls in science and technology can do!

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