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"The Roar of the Tiger is Fading From Our Planet" - 3 Ideas for World Wildlife Conservation Day

December 5, 2018

**Disclaimer: This post is reflective of our company while under the name Pledgeling and the listed information may be outdated. Please refer to our main company website on Pledge for current information and resources.**

We've got wildfires, hurricanes, political uncertainty, and global warming to deal with. In that whirlwind of unfathomable issues, it's easy to pigeonhole our thoughts on ourselves; It's a challenge to think beyond our own species.

It's high time we started thinking about the other species on our planet. There was a peak in wildlife conservation interest a few years ago, but it understandably wanes when dealing with more "human" issues.

Wildlife Needs Our Help

Just because we've got new problems doesn't mean we should forget about those that have been around longer. Animals like the orangutan, blue whale, snow leopard, giant panda, and chimpanzee are all on the endangered species list. Those are some of the most beloved species on our planet.

There's no shortage of cartoon characters with the likeness of these creatures, but what happens when we lose the actual creatures who inspired our love for them?

World Wildlife Conservation Day is December 4th. This year the focus is on big cats.

The Trouble of Tigers

Another animal on the endangered list is the tiger. The tiger's existence is challenged from a couple of angles: poachers are hunting them for skin, teeth, bones and fur while their land is systematically being destroyed for development.

Being a keystone species, Tigers play a massive role in their environment. That means that when a tiger is poached, its 40-mile ecosystem becomes extremely out of balance. That balance affects many of the other endangered species that fall lower on the food chain.

WWF is urging governments—particularly those of demand countries such as China, Vietnam, Thailand, and the U.S.—to strengthen law enforcement, invest in more boots on the ground and commit to long-term demand reduction efforts. But they need our support to stop the demand for illegal wildlife parts and products. You can join the Pledge to stop wildlife crime and commit to preserving nature's beauty for future generations HERE.

Project CAT

DISCOVERY CHANNEL has partnered with the World Wildlife Fund to both raise awareness and conserve the land that tigers so desperately need. They warn that "the roar of the tiger is fading from our planet," and they're trying to do something about it. Any help that is given to the tiger benefits elephants, rhinos, leopards, and other species that share the habitat.

Project CAT (Conserving Acres for Tigers), gives you the option to donate or adopt a tiger, as well as the option to learn a great deal more about tigers and the issues they face. If you're on your mobile right now, text TIGER to 707070 to give back in a matter of minutes.

Let's talk about ways that you can help our furry friends this World Wildlife Conservation Day.

How You Can Help on December 4th and Year Round

Learn how you can volunteer to help with initiatives sponsored by the WORLD WILDLIFE FUND or similar organizations in whatever way you can. Consider a donation to WWF so they can continue their important work, you can do so by clicking here.

Pledgeling has also partnered with over 1,400 organizations that work to benefit wildlife, and you can donate directly to those groups through our site.

Single donations are one thing, but businesses have the opportunity to generate a lot of interest in a number of ways:

1. Throw an Event

The holiday season is the best time to get friends and family together independent of any cause you might support. If you're already having a gathering, though, you can choose to make it one that encourages guests to donate.

One way to make it easy is by using EVITE. Evite allows you to send online invitations that embed the option to give a donation. All you have to do is select a theme, choose to 'Add Donations', and select WWF as your organization to benefit.

Guests then have the option to make a donation right on the invitation.

2. Support Businesses That Support Wildlife

When you're doing your holiday shopping, take a moment to seek out businesses that are contributing proceeds to organizations that support wildlife.

Discovery Channel partners with ALEX & ANI, H.O.W.L (Handle Only With Love) and many others who offer special products in support of Project CAT, visit their SHOP page to learn more.

Shopify store partner LA MENAGERIE is another business that makes donations to the WWF. They also sell beautiful origami animal necklaces that are perfect for the animal lover in your family powered by Pledgeling's "GIVE & GROW" App to give back.

3. Incorporate Giving into Your Business

PLEDGELING makes it easy for you to incorporate donations into your Shopify business or across your company.

Our Give & Grow platform takes less than five minutes to set up, and every customer you have will be given the option to make a donation to the cause of your choice. We partner with almost 1,500 organizations that benefit animals, but there are thousands of other causes that may speak to you. If your corporation is seeking to integration mission aligned with your core values like Discovery Channel, we'd love to help you get started today!

Join the over 2,500 businesses and brands who are using their platform to bring awareness for and donating to causes around the world, contact us today - we'd love to help you get started and grow through giving.