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Displaying 481–492 of 600

Positive Community Kitchen

Founded in 2013, the organization provides a 12 week healthy meal program to those in our community struggling with serious illness such as cancer. Teens are taught to cook and prepare these meals working under the supervision of a professional chef. The focus is on educating the youth and recipients on the health benefits of eating a organic, farm fresh, whole food based diet. We prepare over 360 servings each week, delivered to our clients doorstep.

Gemma's Angels Limited

Since 2006, Gemma's Angels has distributed tens of thousands of pounds of fresh fruit and vegetables to a growing list of homeless shelters, soup kitchens, and food banks in Dauphin and Lebanon Counties in Pennsylvania. We supplement--but do not replace--the work of the Central Pennsylvania Food Bank which provides food to over 900 partner agencies in Central PA running from the northern to the southern border of the state. We want to change the way we feed the hungry. MISSION: Provide fresh fruits and vegetables to homeless shelters, soup kitchens and food banks in Dauphin and Lebanon Counties, and Inspire at-risk children and families to make healthier food choices, increasing their access to fresh, local food and teaching them to live more sustainably. Gemma’s Angels is a not-for-profit organization recognized by the IRS under its tax exempt 501(c)3 regulations.

Sisters Of The Road

Sisters Of The Road exists to build authentic relationships and alleviate the hunger of isolation in an atmosphere of nonviolence and gentle personalism that nurtures the whole individual, while seeking systemic solutions that reach the roots of homelessness and poverty to end them forever. We believe that all individuals are equally worthy, that no one has a monopoly on the truth, and that we have much to learn from one another. We consistently refuse to participate in or condone any act of violence, harm or humiliation, including sexism or racism. Our founding goals are to be a safe, public place for everyone, especially women and children, to offer nourishing meals at little cost or in exchange for labor, and to offer job training and employment experience to local residents. For thirty-five years, Sisters' has worked to fulfill these goals and to build a community based on nonviolence, dignity, and systemic change.


ChicagoVeg is non-for-profit organization to support all vegans/vegetarians and educate the public about advantageous of a plant-based diet. Join us for delicious meals, share your favorite recipes, discuss living a healthy (vegetarian - vegan - raw food) lifestyle, support green movement, conscious living, and make new friends! We regularly meet in the city and suburbs for dining, picnics, lectures, movies, visiting local expos, and other events.

American Community Gardening Association

To foster the creation, development, and expansion of community gardens throughout the US and Canada in order to improve people's quality of life through well-developed methods of social interaction, self-reliance, and healthy eating habits while at the same time reducing people's food budgets and neighborhood blight, and, finally, assisting community and economic development efforts by beautifying neighborhoods, producing nutritious food, conserving resources and creating opportunities for recreation, exercise, therapy and education.

Darfur Women Network, DWN

Our mission is to raise public awareness, provide educational outlets, use specialized programming, assist and encourage refugee women, girls and families displaced by the Darfur conflict so they may re-establish personal empowerment and flourishing communities in the face of adversity. Darfur Women Network, Inc. works with both refugees in Chad and those who have immigrated to the United States. We work to empower Darfuri women so that they can help their families, and therefore their communities.

Long Beach Community Table

Long Beach Community Table's mission is to contribute to the health, well-being, empowerment and self-determination of under-served populations in the greater Long Beach Community by providing affordable, nutritious, organic foods, hygiene products, clothing and other resources, such as a community garden, garden building and education on self sustainability, etc. accessible to all through a locally-oriented, collectively-managed not-for-profit organization. It is also our intention to be a platform for mutually-beneficial community connections.

High Atlas Foundation

The High Atlas Foundation is a Moroccan association and a U.S. 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization founded in 2000 by former Peace Corps Volunteers committed to furthering sustainable development. HAF supports Moroccan communities to take action in implementing human development initiatives. It promotes sustainable organic agriculture, women’s empowerment, youth development, education, health, and capacity building. Since 2011, HAF has maintained Consultancy Status at the United Nations Economic and Social Council.

Udavum Karangal Of USA

Udavum Karangal (Helping Hands) is a registered, non-governmental, non-religious and non-profit social service organization, established in 1983, with the sole objective of serving people in need. Udavum Karangal believes that everyone deserves to be loved. Till date, there have been around 2000 unfortunate brethren from new born babies to dying destitutes who have found a home here. The centre provides individualized services - treatment, care, rehabilitation and education.

Shoulder to Shoulder, Inc.

Our Mission: To work together with our communities to create, implement, equitably accesible, sustainable health, nutrition, and education services. Our Vision: People of the Frontera in Intibuca, known as the Dry Corridor of Intibuca, Honduras, live longer, healthier, more productive and fulfilling lives in a strong community. Our Values: We treat patients, students, and visitors with respect. We provide prompt and effective treatment as appropriate. We provide information to people and communities in need. We are honest and transparent with patients, communities, and donors. We take proper care of resources. We have skills to do the work, and we train and develop people. We partner effectively with governments, other NGOs, and citizen groups. We strive for excellence. We are results-oriented. We are a team and show mutual respect within the organization. Our organization prohibits discrimination in employment, educational programs, and activities on the basis of race, national origin, color, creed, religion, sex, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, gender identity, or associational preference.

Maine Aquaculture Innovation Center

The Maine Aquaculture Innovation Center was established in 1988 by the Maine Legislature with a mission to assist in developing economically and environmentally sustainable aquaculture opportunities in Maine. MAIC sponsors and facilitates innovative research and development projects involving food, pharmaceuticals, and other products from sustainable aquatic systems; invests in the enhancement of aquaculture capacity in Maine; serves as a source of educational information to enhance public visibility and acceptance of aquaculture; and encourages strategic alliances tasked with promoting research, technology transfer, and the commercialization of aquaculture research.


Your financial gifts as well as of your time (shout out to our volunteers) help ABG offer our programs – monthly educational gardening meetings (now on-line due to COVID-19 distancing requirements), our eNewsletter, started in April 2020 to provide victory gardening information for Alameda’s vegetable and fruit growers, our active and popular Project Pick program and our Free Seed Libraries. Through these and other initiatives we help address climate change, food scarcity and build community in Alameda.