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July is Ice Cream Month & More

July 2, 2018

Disclaimer: This post is reflective of our company while under the name Pledgeling and the listed information may be outdated. Please refer to our main company website on Pledge for current information and resources.

Ah July. When school ends and summer really gets going, July is a month of bliss. There are even more ways to celebrate because July is also Ice Cream Month!

Enjoy a fun treat and make your own homemade ice cream with friends and kids. Add half and half (½ cup), sugar (1 tbs) and vanilla (½ tsp) in a plastic bag, then place it in a larger bag with rock salt and ice. Shake for 15 to 20 minutes and enjoy a single serving of vanilla ice cream. This is a fun way to engage kids with a yummy treat!

July 1st - Halfway through 2018

Because we will be eating ice cream all month, it might be time to reevaluate those New Year’s Resolutions. July 1st is officially halfway through 2018! Time to reflect on where you’ve been, where you want to be, and how you can make 2018 an impactful year for you and your community. Think about volunteering this summer, or hosting a summer barbeque for a cause through Evite Donations. Choose your favorite nonprofit and raise funds for them while also connecting with friends.

July 4th - Independence Day

Fireworks, hot dogs, and picnics -- the sights, and smells of the Fourth of July. Independence Day is a day to reflect on the United States of America, where we’ve been, where we are going, and how we can collectively improve our country. Honor those who have served our country by donating to a nonprofit that serves military communities & families. The US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) estimates that 40,056 Veterans are homeless on any given night. They also found that the most effective program for homeless veterans are community-based, veterans helping veterans groups. To make an impact, donate to a local military organization. Find one near you here!

July 7th - World Chocolate Day

Chocolate day is a real thing and it’s my new favorite day of the year. Celebrate the sweetest day of the year with friends, food and ~of course~ chocolate!

July 14th - Shark Awareness Day

Sharks are important to the environment by regulating the ecosystem they live in, but many of our sharks are threatened or endangered. Shark Awareness Day helps elevate our personal awareness & education about shark species and their habitats. Added bonus! This month tune in to Discovery Channel to watch Shark Week, starting July 22nd, to learn more about these beautiful and powerful animals.

July 20th - Space Exploration Day

July 20th marks the anniversary of the first moon landing, an incredible scientific feat. Take this evening to look outside at the stars and planets, you may even catch a glimpse of the International Space Station. Astronauts conduct experiments in this low-orbiting satellite. It is visible from many cities on earth, and you can check out when it will be passing over your city here.

Enjoy the summer! Make this month full of service by using Pledgeling’s tools & services to give back through your events & your business!

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